Profoto Share the Light

Recently I was invited to be part of the beta test of Profoto’s new website feature: “Share the Light”.
This new section allows photographers that use Profoto products to upload images along with a set of info to better describe the behind the scenes of how that image was created.

Each image has the regular information: ISO, depth of field, shutter speed, camera info, lens info. But what makes it interesting and special is the fact that you can also share behind the scenes candid photos of your set up or set. Plus it supplies Photoshop files so you can create “Lighting diagrams” to show light placement and modifiers. (Check below for an example)

I thought it was a clever way to help promote photography work and also support Profoto product users.
When shooting creative food photography lighting can be the key element to enhance an image. Sometimes it can be the food styling, and sometimes it has to be both.

I will be participating in this project and share my light set ups!

Click here to check out my food and product photography profile in Profoto.

As a commercial still life photographer and food photographer creator, my sole goal is to create stand out images to enhance the look of your product and brand. Having top quality pictures will drive in customers to your brand through all the various multiple channels.
Shoot me a message, let’s talk!


Sweet Potato Loaf with Chocolate Ganache


Ensalada de Nochebuena